Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council, Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
The JPNC continues to conduct virtual meetings, which are open to the public. To access the meeting from a computer, please use the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85967239298?pwd=YUg5WXArQ2tiT09vUUlVaE95SVdWZz09 Meeting ID: 859 6723 9298 and Passcode: 653190 Or by telephone, call 312-626-6799 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 859 6723 9298 and Passcode: 653190# Agenda 1. Introduction of members. 2. Review/approve minutes from the 4/27/21 […]
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council & Committee Meetings, July 2021
The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will be holding its next elections on Aug. 21, 2021. Nomination packets are available on our website and at the three branches of the Boston Public Library (Jamaica Plain, Connolly, and Egleston Square). Completed Nomination packets need to be submitted to the Jamaica Plain Branch, 30 South Street by 5:00 […]
The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will hold its next election on August 21, 2021. Eligible Residents of Jamaica Plain are encouraged to run by completing a Nomination Packet, which could be found here or at one the three Jamaica Plain Branch Libraries (Jamaica Plain, Connolly, Egleston Square) on June 26. Eligible Residents are those who […]