Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council & Committee Meetings, July 2021

The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will be holding its next elections on Aug. 21, 2021.  Nomination packets are available on our website and at the three branches of the Boston Public Library (Jamaica Plain, Connolly, and Egleston Square).  Completed Nomination packets need to be submitted to the Jamaica Plain Branch, 30 South Street by 5:00 pm on July 23, 2021.

In the meantime, the JPNC continues to conduct virtual meetings, which are open to the public and accessible either from a computer or telephone.  We want to ensure that our neighbors have an opportunity to respond to all upcoming issues and will accept comments by email up until the JPNC Meeting on July 27, 2021.  Our email address is info.jpnc@gmail.com

Public Service Committee:  Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 7:00 pm.  On the agenda:  1). A request by Kirpa Babba DI Inc., doing business as “Bukhara Indian Bistro,” at 3698 Washington Street for a 7-day common victualler all-alcoholic beverages license with take-out, and an entertainment license for 1 TV, with the hours of 11:00 am to 11:00 pm, with Manraj Pabla as manager; 2). A continued discussion of the Good Community Business policy.

The link to access the meeting from a computer, please use the link:


Meeting ID: 849 4606 7946, Passcode: 785326

Or by telephone, please call 929-205-6099 or 301-715-8592 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 849 4606 7946 and Passcode: 785326

Zoning Committee:  Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm.  On the agenda: 1). 302 Lamartine Street to demolish existing front and rear decks, construct new front and rear porches, re-slate mansard roof, install new dining room window; 2). 80 Prince Street to renovate basement for small office, mechanical room and play area, renovate existing half-bath in basement. 

To access the meeting from a computer, use the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84982101157?pwd=K0ZJblNGb2g5SDNNWXJMZnFPWUNRdz09

Meeting ID: 849 8210 1157, Passcode: stonybrook

Or by telephone, please call 929-205-6099 or 301-715-8592 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 849 8210 1157 ands Passcode: 0763227221

Housing & Development Committee: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm.  On the agenda: 1).  The Committee will review the Article 80 proposal for 265-267 Amory St for 2 buildings, one to be the new headquarters for Youth Enrichment Services, and one to be 9 residential condo units. 2). Proposals from Inclusion/Diversity Subcommittee; 3). Recommendations from Net Zero Carbon Subcommittee.

To access the meeting from a computer, use the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81272805644?pwd=SjZ5MkZlNTZQdklQamo1OWhqanF2QT09

Meeting ID:  812 7280 5644, Passcode:  686654

Or by telephone, please call 929-205-6099 or 301-715-8592 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID:812 7280 5644 and Passcode: 686654

Zoning Committee: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm.  On the agenda:  1). 96 Sheridan Street to change occupancy of existing two-family building (with three dwelling units) to lawful three-family building with new fire sprinkler and fire alarm work; 2). 19 Granada Park to change occupancy to three-family residence, enclose third floor deck, and install sprinklers in units; 3). 212 Chestnut Avenue to change occupancy from two-family dwelling to a seven (7) unit residential building; renovate existing home, creating two units, demolish existing addition and add five new units attached to existing building for a total of seven units.

To access the meeting from a computer, use the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87624152450?pwd=K0R3Wm9qLzU2M3llTHcrREdVaWFzZz09

Meeting ID: 876 2415 2450, Passcode: stonybrook

Or by telephone, call 929-205-6099 or 301-715-8592 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 876 2415 2450 and Passcode: 0740338065

Executive Committee:  Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 7:00 pm. 

To access the meeting from a computer, use the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87110285750?pwd=bmo1bDFFU3Q4T1FuV1BESDI1S1lrUT09

Meeting ID: 871 1028 5750, Passcode: 896350

Or by telephone, call 929-205-6099 or 301-715-8592 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 871 1028 5750 and Passcode: 896350

Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council:  Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7:00 pm.  The agenda will include: 1). A presentation from John Barros, candidate for Mayor; 2). Updates and recommendations from the Committees; 3). Updates on 8/21/21 election.

To access the meeting from a computer, use the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85967239298?pwd=YUg5WXArQ2tiT09vUUlVaE95SVdWZz09

Meeting ID: 859 6723 9298 and Passcode: 653190

Or by telephone, call 929-205-6099 or 301-715-8592 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 859 6723 9298 and Passcode: 653190#

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