JPNC Make-Up Meeting 1/11/21 @7PM

Hello JP residents and friends, 

As we did not have a quorum at our December 28th meeting, we will host a meeting January 11th, at 7PM to approve several committee agenda items and hear from SEED regarding their request. This meeting will not replace our January 25th meeting.

Find below the agenda and the zoom link for Tuesday’s meeting:


1. Introduction of members. 
2. Review/approve minutes from the 11/23/21 meeting. 

3. Announcements:
3.1. Open JPNC seats nominations and votes
3.2. Community Announcements
4. SEED presentation: 
SEED Dispensary (401A Centre Street) is requesting a change of closing 
time to 10:00pm and removal of language for shared valet in the Host Community Agreement. 
5. Committee reports/recommendations: 
5.1. Zoning Committee: Report on the recommendations of the committee on:  
1). 26 Egleston Street (add driveway and curb cut at right side of existing home for two off-street parking spaces in the rear and one parking space at the driveway entrance. 2). 23 Iffley Road (add a driveway adjacent to existing three-family residence), 3).88 Rockview Street (construct a single-family house on lot),4). 265-267 Amory Street (construct new four-story residential building with nine units and nine parking spaces; construct new three-story building with office space, classroom, and first-floor ski shop as headquarters/community center for Youth Enrichment Services) 5). Doyle’s Café development, which involves three lots proposed to be combined into a single lot – Doyle’s Café – 3484 Washington Street (restoration of 4500 square foot Doyle’s Café – change of occupancy to include new 5000 square foot market, sixteen residential units, and 22 parking spaces; combine three parcels into single lot); Doyle’s Café – 60 Williams Street (construct four-story, seven-unit residential building; combine three parcels into single lot); and Doyles Café – 69 Williams Street (construct three-story, six-unit residential building with six parking spaces; combine three parcels into single lot).  
5.2. Public Service Committee: Initiatives of the Public Service Committee for 2021-2023
5.3. Housing & Development Committee: No votes needed

6. New Business:

Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: JPNC Make-up
Time: Jan 11, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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