June 2019 (Updated 6/14/19)
Public Service Committee: Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 pm at Curtis Hall, 20 South Street. On the agenda will be: TBA
Zoning Committee: Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00 pm at Farnsworth House, 90 South Street. On the agenda will be: 62-64 Boynton Street (raze existing garage and construct a new three-story building with two residential units and 4 off-street parking spaces); 44 and 46 Marmion Street (46 Marmion: construct a new three-family residence with roof deck on vacant land. 44 Marmion: add third story to existing two-family residence and change occupancy to a three-family residence. Six off-street parking spaces to be shared by both buildings — five on 46 Marmion and 1 on 44 Marmion); 21 Rocky Nook Terrace (erect a new single-family house on a newly subdivided lot, per plans); and the return of 32 Rockview Street (add 3500 square foot addition to existing three-family residence, creating a four-family residence).
Education Ad Hoc Committee: Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 pm at Curtis Hall, 20 South Street. On the Agenda will be a discussion with representatives from Boston Public Schools on enhancing the partnership between BPS and JPNC in the upcoming school year.
Housing & Development Committee: Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 pm, at Bowditch School building, 82 Green Street (enter at sidewalk level to left of Main stairs). On the agenda will be: 1). An update on the Shattuck Campus Planning Process; 2). Continued discussion of the City’s Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) and current efforts to update the IDP.
Zoning Committee: Wednesday, June 19 at 7:00 pm at Farnsworth House, 90 South Street. On the agenda will be: The agenda for that meeting will include 121 Brookside Avenue (consolidate parcels for combined 8,679 square foot parcel; construct a four-story mixed-use 23 unit building with 2 artist live-work spaces and 21 residential condominiums).
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council: Tuesday June 25 at 7:00 pm, at Farnsworth House, 90 South Street. On the agenda will be: 1). A discussion on the Bylaws of the JPNC; 2). Efforts to improve outreach efforts; 3) Updates and recommendations of committees.