JPNC letters to the mayor and to the governor
To review the letter to the mayor  from the JP Neighborhood Council, JP Business & Professional Assoc., Sumner Hill Assoc., JP Centre South Main Streets and the Jamaica Pond Assoc. requesting full funding of design work for streetscape improvements on Centre and South Streets from Hyde Square to Forest Hills, click letter to Mayor Walsh
To review the letter to the governor from the JP Neighborhood Council requesting direction to Mass. DCR to proceed expeditiously on safety improvements at Perkins St./Parkman Drive; Kelly Circle; the Arborway from Kelly Circle to Murray Circle; Murray Circle; Centre St. from VFW Pkwy to Murray Circle; and the Arborway to Forest Hills, click letter to Governor
February 2017 Neighborhood Council & Committee Meetings (Rev. 7)
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council
Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 7:00 pm, at Farnsworth House, 90 South Street. Agenda includes Q & A with Representative Liz Malia. To review complete agenda for this meeting, click revised agenda