Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Review/approve minutes of the September 23, 2014, Council meeting.
- Â Review of the response from the developer of 161 South Huntington Avenue to JPNC request for status report re: settlement of JPNC litigation re: 161 South Huntington Avenue project.
- Further discussion of recommendations to the mayor concerning reorganization of the Boston Redevelopment Authority.
- Committee reports/recommendations:
- Â Ad-Hoc Committee on Forest Hills Construction and Development Projects.
- Â Housing and Development Committee;
- Â Environment, Parks & Energy Committee, including proposal for updating by-laws re: jurisdiction of the committee;
- Â Zoning Committee; and,
- Â Public Service Committee.
 7. New business.
 8. Adjournment