JPNC to meet Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 7:00 p.m.


Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council

January 28, 2014, 7:00 p.m.,

Farnsworth House, 90 South Street

  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. Review/approve minutes of November 2013 and December 2013 Council meetings
  4. Presentation: Joel Wool, “Gas leaks: Costing community and climate”
  5. State of Our Neighborhood Forum sponsorship
  6. Interviews/fill Council vacancies: At-Large: 1; Area A: 3; Area C: 1
  7. Committee reports/recommendations:
      • Zoning
      • Public Service
      • Housing and Development
      • Executive Committee: Recommend amend Council by-laws to change name of Parks and Open Space Committee to Environment, Parks and Energy Committee

       8.  New business

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