Deadline Extended for JPNC Nominations!

The ombuds board has extended the deadline for candidates to submit nomination papers until Friday, September 20! Cownload the candidate packet here, or you can pick up a print version at any of the public libraries in JP (Jamaica Plain, Connolly, and Egleston) or at Curtis Hall.

Elections for the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council, held every two years, will fall on Saturday, October 19 this year (2013). Jamaica Plain is divided into three Neighborhood Council “Areas,” and you can run for one of the five seats in your area, or one of five at-large seats representing all of JP. To get on the ballot, candidates need to collect 25 signatures for Area seats or 50 signatures for at-large seats – all of the details for getting on the ballot along with signature forms can be found in the Candidate Packet.

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